Our mission is to run Shoshin Tribe as an ethical Travel company by promoting responsible travel thereby helping travelers, tour operators, local economy and all other variables involved in the travel ecosystem.
Through our travel products, we want our travellers to learn the art of responsible travel and cultivate better travel etiquettes. We want our Tribers to learn something meaningful in each travel product that we design. We want to create a better version of ourselves through travelling.
By creating a tribe of conscious travellers we want to change the narrative that travelling is always a glossy and rosy affair as referred in and romanticized by most social media. For us traveling is about learning about a place, it's people, it's cultural intricacies, looking at things objectively, learning to become non judgmental, accepting things as it is and going through these points and understand how it all enriches one as a person.
We also want to spread the message that travelling is for everyone who is passionate enough to make it happen. In many cases money doesn't stand in the way for one who really wants to travel. But we understand that situations can be different. Hence we are here to offer various travel scholarships to some of the passionate travellers in our tribe.
We created this quote "Give a man a Travel scholarship and you let him travel for a few weeks. Teach a man to travel sustainably and you let him travel for a lifetime." Along with the quote we've also created Travel Workshops and Skill updating courses to enable a dedicated traveller to lead a sustainable travel life.
Thus we are here on a mission to help every passionate travellers, local businesses, responsible travel companies through our unique, entertaining and enlightening travel products to create a better version of everyone involved.